Cell 3C 100% Wireless 3MP 2K
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Without Wiring without Plug, Just Power On to Monitor

Full-time Yard/door Monitoring
Eco-friendly, Money Saving
Rechargeable battery: Never fear about a power outage as Cell 3C features a large 5,000mAh battery capacity, providing long-lasting battery performance for up to 120 days¹.
It has 5 working modes, whether you prioritize extended battery life, high-performance recording, ultra power-saving mode, or continuous recording, we have an option for you.
¹ The 120-day battery life is based on 20 15-second videos per day, and the actual battery life may not be the same.

Solar Panel: Cell 3C can also be connected to a solar panel for unlimited² battery life to keep your security system running continuously, you can either choose the Kit or buy it separately.²
²The 120-day battery life is based on 20 15-second videos per day, and the actual battery life may not be the same. The device consumes 0.19Wh when 300s event videos are triggered per day; The 3W and 7W solar panels charge 3.6Wh and 8.4Wh respectively under direct sunlight at midday, so based on this calculation the Cell 3C All In One can achieve unlimited battery life, the actual use of the situation may be different from here.

Minimizing False Alarms
Set a large detection area to minimize false alarms. For example, set up cameras to monitor only the front door area to avoid interference from pedestrians or vehicles on the street and ensure that each alarm is a visitor arrival or suspicious activity.

Nighttime Security Illuminated: Stay Alert Even in the Dark
Light up the darkness
You can switch the 3 night vision modes (infrared / color / smart), or turn them off at any time. With night vision up to 30m and 8x zoom, the image is full color and freely zoomable, allowing you to see further and more clearly.
*Smart mode:The camera will automatically turn into color mode from infrared mode when suspicious motion is detected.
Away from potential threats

Convenient Visit Notifications
Precise Detection Around the Clock
Cell 3C is equipped with Accurate PIR and AI Human Detection technology, ensuring no movement goes unnoticed. When a delivery person or any human activity is detected within the surveillance range, the camera will immediately send out an alert, enabling you to capture every important moment of delivery or appearance.

Protect your family remotely anytime, anywhere
Whether you need to simply communicate with a visitor or provide real-time warnings and instructions, this smart feature will allow you to communicate directly with the person at the door and gain greater control of security.

Capturing Joyful Moments
It has a built-in time-lapse recording feature. With presets for sunrise, sunset, clouds and more, you can effortlessly capture the best moments of your life.

Storage Option

Essai gratuit de 30 jours de stockage cloud (IMOU Protect)
What's IMOU Protect advantage?

Don't fret about storage or theft worries
Enjoy peace of mind with up to 30 days of video storage, without worrying about running out of space. IMOU Protect offers an extra layer of data security, safeguarding your footage from both thieves and hackers.

Advanced AI detection
Support human, vehicle, pet, parcel detection and screening. You can set up to receive notification of the information you want to reduce disturbance
*note: Cell 3C can detect human and motion by default.

Share the device up to 20 people
All the IMOU's users can share the device to 6 people by default. By IMOU Protect, you can share it up to 20 people. This allows you to develop more creative uses.