Cruiser SE+ 5MP/3MP
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- Free Shipping for All Orders
- Fast Shipping in 3-5 Business Days
- Free 30-day Cloud Storage & no mandatory subscription
- 3 Years Warranty
- 1x Camera
- 1x Quick Start Guide
- 1x Power Adapter
- 1x Mounting Template
- 1x Mounting Bracket
- 1x Waterproof Connector
- 1x Screw and Anchor pack

Guard property with clear live video, day and night

Smart color night vision

8x digital zoom in/out
Level up your home security!
Protect your home like you are there

Record and capture
Record videos and capture photos to review, save and share the moments you missed at any time.

Smooth livestream
Dual antennas provide stronger network signals, with operating range of up to 10m(in open area).

Real-time notifications
Receive real-time photo notifications on your phone and tablet to stay in-the-know when anything happens at home.
5 minutes to get start!
