Ranger 2C 3MP/4MP/5MP
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💡 New model 2024-Range Dual with double lens, click here to buy
- Free Shipping for All Orders
- Fast Shipping in 3-5 Business Days
- Free 30-day Cloud Storage & no mandatory subscription
- 3 Years Warranty
- 1x Camera
- 1x Getting Started Guide
- 1x Power cord
- 1x Charging cable
- 1x bag of screws
- 1x Mounting plate
- 1x Template

Ensure 360° coverage
Pan and tilt to check every corner you want to check.
Know and handle everything, at anytime.
The security camera, together with Imoulife app, will provide you with all-round protection over your house.
Smarter with AI detection
Customize it to perfectly meet your needs
You can decide when, where and how the security camera works for you.

Set detection zone that you care about
Or receive alerts that really matters. All you need to do is to draw the zone on the phone and then the security camera will send you alerts only when detecting something abnormal in the set zone.

Privacy mode
Roll down the lens shield down to cover the lens and stop the recording when needed.

Schedule setting
Set schedule for your security camera so that the security camera will guard your house complying with your specific needs.
Set detection zone that you care about
Or receive alerts that really matters. All you need to do is to draw the zone on the phone and then the security camera will send you alerts only when detecting something abnormal in the set zone.
Privacy mode
Roll down the lens shield down to cover the lens and stop the recording when needed.
Schedule setting
Set schedule for your security camera so that the security camera will guard your house complying with your specific needs.

Hands-free voice control
Turn on or off by saying several words when you are full in hands.
Local storage or cloud, your choice!
Support up to 256GB SD card (sold seperately) so you can do 24/7 recording and provide 30-day free cloud storage.
Designed to better build your smart home
Compact design perfectly fits any style homes.
5 minutes to get start!
